Would You Rather... ?

What's up Beautiful People :D ?

Earlier,I was watching these types of videos which are called " Would you rather?" and they are fun to watch and I thought it would be also fun to answer some of them here.

If you don't know what I mean,I'm gonna answer some questions which provides you two options that could be difficult to choose from.It's an entertaining game and these questions are unrealistic so here it goes :

1.Would you rather eat a big fat spider or a big fat rat ?
I HATE rats,I can't stand them so I have to go with a big fat spider.At least,they don't have diseases !

2.Sweat green liquid from ur pores or fart blue smokes?
This one made me laugh but I found it interesting.Unfortunately,I have to choose the second one for the simple reason that you can control it sometimes when in the other hand sweat can be difficult....Imagine if this question was a real thing :D 

3.Would you rather be stranded in an island alone or with someone you hate?
Obviously,if you're alone you will go insane and as much as I love my peace of mind,I will much perfer to be with someone I hate and who knows we might get along that if we don't end up eating eachother.

4.Would you rather to be in a movie or a tv show?
Believe it or not,I find this question so hard to answer,I want to be in both but I rather be in ....Ummm...I'd be in an oscar winning movie that will end up being a trilogy  :D

5.Would you rather live in a boat and never see land again or live in a motohome and never get out of it ?
In a boat.At least,you get to be on a real adventure,floating on the blue ocean,the fish and the sharks,maybe get to be a pirate...The thought of this is exciting !

6.Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button?
Most people would go for the first choice but I rather have a pause button.I hate to repeat things !

7.Would you like to own an elephant sized rabbit or a rabbit sized elephant ?
A rabbit sized elephant :D But only if I get to live with him in a bigger space like a jungle or something....Who am I kidding ? I watch way too much movies,I choose an elephant sized rabbit !

8.Would you rather to be a werewolf or a vampire ?
Another difficult question to answer but surviving only on blood...Ummm...I don't like the thought of that so I rather be a Werewolf :D

9.Would you like to teleport or fly ?
Teleport just because I'm so lazy and I always wish I could reach my destination in seconds and flying would take way too much time and energy.

10.Would you like to create you own dreams every night or enter other people's dreams?
Enter other people's dream.Be the next freddy krueger but for dreams.And don't worry,I'll make your dreams to remember :D

 11.Would you like to fart confetti or sneeze gummy warms?
Another fart related question but that just because I thought they were funny.I just wanted to add this one :D

That's it for this post,I hope it was amusing because it was a lot of fun to write.Until next time,Stay Awesome :D

What would you answer if someone asked you this questions ?

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