Welcome back,
Back in the very beginning of january, I have decided to take on a reading challenge. It was a spantaneous moment where I got this burst of motivation and "what the hell not" kind of vibes.It’s not like I don’t normally read, oh no on the contrary I read quite a lot (books but mostly articles and short stories) and it’s affecting my social skills quite a bit. The problem was I didn’t usually buy books ( or commit to them) and I either read from apps like wattpad or Ibooks or I borrow them if I can, so this year I want to buy as much as I can and dare to read the books I always wanted to read for finally immersing myself in what I truly love to do.

Another reason why I am determined to read more is my love for writing. Late last year, I watched a video which was about something along the lines of « 10 reasons of the success of J.K Rowling » or something like that  and let me tell you it was such an enlighting video. Anyway, in one of her interviews she said that in order to become a successful writer you have to read books and a lot, a lot, a lot of books. She did say more about the topic and sounded very convincing but I just relayed the short version. So long story short, I have to read as much as I can in order to develop my writing skills.

To keep this post concise and short (thank God for that, I hear you), I have decided that my reading challenge should consist of reading minimum of 12 books (the way I thought about it was I’d read one book a month if I can’t keep up) and maximum of 20 books. It’s a short goal but for 2016 we’re going to start light and hopefully we’ll increase the amount next year, we shall see ( I am actually thinking of increasing it these days). Furthermore, I have decided to read out of the 12 or 20 books : The Harry Potter books. They are a total of 7 books and yes I haven’t read them all yet although I am the biggest fan of the movies. The short story version is that one day when I was very young and clueless, I saw my cousin reading them and I was like no way I would read 300 or 400 pages and it stuck in my mind ( When you’re young and clueless ! ) so I never looked back.

So far I have read 10 books so I am on the right path (big round of applause anyone) and with the extra time I’ll have next school year (hopefully) I might ( finger crossed) surpass my goal. This is one of the best decision I have made in my life and I feel true joy and pride whenever I read and finish a book. Not to mention that I am learning so much out of the authors and inspiration just keeps on flooding.

My TBR list is humongous that include many classics and « are you serious ? you should have read this book already » kind of books but honestly it’s never too late and this just adds to the excitement.

Whether it’s one book or a hundred, reading is a beautiful intimate experience that add so much to you spirtually, emotionally, mentally, in terms of your knowledge.. though not so much physically nor socially (if you get what I am saying).

Jokes aside, if  somehow you happen to be reading this, join me on this journey and start a reading challenge of your own.
GoldenCurls xx

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