7 weight loss tips

Hello Beautiful people,

I'm might be the last person who can advise you on weight lost as I am probably the laziest person ever and the most junk food loving person out there.But recently,I've been trying to add some small changes into my life that might help me loose weight and build up a nice base to a healthy lifestyle.Other than the cliches such as diet and excercise,here are a few tips to loose some weight :

1.Always eat breakfast.Studies show that who regularly skip breakfast have more risks of obesity than those who take the time to eat it.

2.Start your morning with drinking water as it can increase your metabolism.All in all,water can help you get rid of extra calories,it might not be much but with making it a habit can add up to your calories lost.

3.Ditch your soda drinks completly.The amount of sugar in it is... a LOT and it might be the number one reason you're gaining weight.

4.It's finally summer,time where we stay up late,wake up late but not getting enough sleep is one of the reasons of weight gain.Make sure to get 7 to 8 h of sleep to increase your leptin and ghrelin hormones that help regulate energy use and appetite.

5.Eat more protein such as chicken and seafood .We use twice the energy to metabolize it so the more you eat it,the more fat is burned.Plus,it reduces hunger hormones.

6.Eat and chew slowly.You will trick your stomach into thinking you've been eating a lot.And don't get distracted while eating as you can overeat and most importantly stop eating before you're full.

7.Warm colors such as yellow and red stimulate the appetite encouraging you to eat more while cool colors such as blue supress it.You might want to buy blue plates :D

They're are a lot of simple tricks to loose calories and keep them away too,they might be a few calories but the more ways you include in your lifestyle,the more calories you loose right :D ? Anyway,I hope you enjoyed today's post and learned something new.

                                                                Stay Awesome !


  1. great post and great informations thank you <3 ^^


    1. You're most welcome :) By the way,I like your DIY posts.They're awesome ;)
