Pep Talk Monday

What's up Beautiful people ?

Internationally Known,Monday is the first day of the week and is mostly the day when we feel blue,down and just not motivated to start yet another week.Personally,I perfer the end of the week especially "Fridays" when things appears to me more exciting in a way.So I figured I make a regular feature on this post motivating you and me on different aspects of life,let's see this day in a whole other way ( At least I'll try).

As the weekend come to an end,my mind refuses to let go of it.New starts frighten me as they might bring unexpected things or have us come face to face with our fears,unfinished buisness or just repeat the same things we did last week.We feel discouraged and unwilling to take advantage of what the day might bring us although most likley it won't.(I know,I know,this post is suppose to be motivational)

So here it goes : Each day no matter how sad or uneventful it might be,it's precious.So when sunday afternoon or monday morning arrives,have a serious talk with your mind when you trick him to see the start of the week in an other perspective.If the day goes badly or wrong,it's okey,there is 6 more days and things could change just repeat to yourself this "better things are coming",we should bare the unwanted moments and the ruff times so it all be worth it in the end cause after the good comes the bad and after the bad comes the good,it's simply the cycle of life.It all depends on how you see things and how you choose to handle them.I hope by now you all realised that Monday is a metaphor for a new chance in life or starting over !

Today is a fresh slide,a day full of chances and oppurtunities.Let's make the best of it and wait for better things with excitement and enthusiasm.

                                                                Stay Awesome !


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